​Protection in the Air

Helicopter Floor Protection

In aviation clothing, additional weight is a critical factor as it affects take-off weight and operating time. Therefore, only the lightest and most advanced components can be used. Another significant factor in aviation clothing is that the armoring of the aircraft is complicated by the many items that are mounted on the fuselage, such as seats, hatches and fire extinguishers.

Furthermore, the airframe is not a completely rigid structure, but must be able to bend during flight, and therefore the armor must be able to allow these flexible properties. Scanfiber has developed protection options that comply with all these factors.

Scanfiber has been involved in many protection projects in several different aircraft types. Some systems have been permanent, while others have been removable systems.

Our large production facilities ensure stabile delivery

Head Office​

Scanfiber Composites A/S

Niels Bohrs Vej 11

DK-9870 Sindal


​CVR: 10015626

Phone: +45 98 93 44 33


UK office

Scanfiber Composites UK Ltd

Venture House, Arlington Square

Downshire Way, Bracknell

RG12 1WA

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0) 1344 887 530

DE office

Scanfiber Composites A/S

Heinrich-von-Stephan-Str. 1

40764 Langenfeld,


​Phone: +49 (0) 1607 276 769

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