Scanfiber Scanguard

Add-on Armour

Add-on armour​

Scanguard Add-on Armour consists of lightweight panels with high multi-hit performance, designed for durability and protection against multiple projectiles, fragments, and explosions.

Scanguard Add-on panels are among the thinnest and lightest on the market and can be easily customized to fit any vehicle or platform. The Add-on Armour can be configured either as a standalone system or integrated into a vehicle’s existing armour.

Our large production facilities ensure stabile delivery

Head Office​

Scanfiber Composites A/S

Niels Bohrs Vej 11

DK-9870 Sindal


​CVR: 10015626

Phone: +45 98 93 44 33


UK office

Scanfiber Composites UK Ltd

Venture House, Arlington Square

Downshire Way, Bracknell

RG12 1WA

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0) 1344 887 530

DE office

Scanfiber Composites A/S

Heinrich-von-Stephan-Str. 1

40764 Langenfeld,


​Phone: +49 (0) 1607 276 769

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