Scanfiber ​Scantex

Bomb Blankets

Scantex Bomb Blankets

From our Scantex system, we have developed the Scantex Bomb Blanket to provide emergency protection against items suspected of containing improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

The Scantex Bomb Blanket reduces damage to individuals and materials by suppressing blast overpressure and by absorbing or stopping fragments upon detonation.

Our large production facilities ensure stabile delivery

Head Office​

Scanfiber Composites A/S

Niels Bohrs Vej 11

DK-9870 Sindal


​CVR: 10015626

Phone: +45 98 93 44 33


UK office

Scanfiber Composites UK Ltd

Venture House, Arlington Square

Downshire Way, Bracknell

RG12 1WA

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0) 1344 887 530

DE office

Scanfiber Composites A/S

Heinrich-von-Stephan-Str. 1

40764 Langenfeld,


​Phone: +49 (0) 1607 276 769

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